Why do all the Trump spokeswomen have Picasso eyes?

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The best ways to describe this ambulatory pile of cow shit are prohibited on most web sites. She is bought and paid for by Trump, she even gave up her middle name so Trump wouldn't have to see or hear of a Romney again. What kind of slime repudiates their own family name to satisfy a psycho like Trump. Who would want to even be seen in public with this thing.

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Where's the peanut butter? I used to eat that as a kid but after a while I stopped putting the bananas in.

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To be fair the voters aren't OK with lying; they just don't care because they know Trump is telling the truth about the one policy they actually care about. Which is white male privilege.As long as Trump is putting whites and men at the top of the heap they literally do not care about anything else. So the problem isn't that the voters are dishonest or stupid or gullible; it is that they are racist and sexist.

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You put in one trillion dollars of Federal debt and OF COURSE the economy is going to perform well!!!

Which reminds me: where have all those "fiscally responsible" Republicans gone - the ones who would like to see a balanced budget? They have been AWFULLY quiet of late, doncha think? (And by "of late", I really mean "since the election of Trump".)

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Nope. She's literally made of white bread dough.

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The sandwich maker was interrupted by the Lawrence Welk Marathon coming back on

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America's Best Christian!!

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NOT a sammich. Needs moar bananas. Make an effort!

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"And what's more, a 72 year old man with that hair? I mean, are you kidding me??"

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The urge is seemingly irresistible.

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Just because I have my Waui Maui board shorts on and some Tropicana tanning lotion plus also too riding my 10' long board to the polls, I don't have any idea why its being called a 'Blue Wave"?

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Yay Tapper! I haven't seen nearly enough of that fact checking on live TV.

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I think they have him just as an example of how fuckin' stupid and mendacious Republican's truly are... at least I hope so!!

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Oh thank you, THANK YOU, for the laugh!! It was so needed and appreciated!

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Yeah, that is a seriously weird looking face.

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