Gas is almost a dollar less in bum-fuck Idaho where I am this weekend than it is in Boise...how the hell does that make sense? Oh, yeah, the North is all deep Red TFG fluffers and Boise is Blue! Must explain it....

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There are bankers running airlines, airline executives running car companies, automobile execs running banks, they see their position as providing "leadership" not industry expertise.

I once had to fix a camera in an executive meeting room and sat in the lobby for an hour waiting for a meeting to break up. While there I browsed the magazines that they had laid out, (and I'm not making this up) called 'American Executive' and 'CEO Magazine', mostly filled with glossy ads for Rolexes and Mercedes and interviews with leading E-suite personalities. Most of these guys seem to sincerely believe that if they didn't show up in the morning to provide their essential "leadership" magic pixie dust that the peons wouldn't be motivated to even come to work. It was truly bizarre.

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He's portraying a J6 insurrectionist. Smearing his shit on the walls would be in character.

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Pre-Existing Cat has strong notions about my messing about with her nails, so I've been trying to get the New Cats on board with my messing about with their nails from out of the gate. It's going . . . so-so.

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So why do you stay?

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Honey! Hot Pockets are ready. Are you coming up?

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The Crying Man festival!

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There's an imminent Dear Shitferbrains?! WOOHOOO!!!1!

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Yep. That.

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Flinging it at the spectators would also "do".

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I agree, ignoring would have been the more reasonable choice. But sometimes I need to feel alive, and that means torturing myself with an ignorant argument on the internet.

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Fair enough. There is a certain amusement value to predicting which stupidity the troll s going to try next, and they're always SO predictable.

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Hahahahahaha!I like you; you're funny!

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Nope, not a conspiracy theory, proven fact.

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Yeah, that's what I thought. Nice try, bub. You really showed me.

And who's the side that staged a revolution? Oh, right, all your revolutionaries got arrested after their Jan 6 coup. That's a nice emotional argument you tried to state as fact.

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