He worked on a bipartisan bill, for months, and actually delivered one that could have passed and potus would have signed. But because MAGA is about destruction only, he’s censured. Rs are nailing it. There’s a creepy picture of Rs standing behind Mike Johnson, holy denier of orgasms, with his beet red elf ears and Lurch lurking over his shoulder. Oh, my apologies to Lurch, that’s Elise Stefanik. Why is she always peering over his shoulders? It’s creepy.

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She's his new Covenant Eyes accountabilibuddy.

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Yeah, let's read Lankford for filth and cheer as the Leopards eat his face.

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"Our Lord of the Burnt Umber Crayon"

Stop! I'm still laughing.

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Vote like your life depends on it!!!

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Circular Firing Squad. Sanctioning Lankford, Romney and Cheney? Letting Trump blow up the RNC so it will never elect anyone ever again in its rabid pursuit of Election Integrity (translation: voter purges) and the transformation of the USA into a monarchy? MAGA declaration that Nikki Haley voters aren't welcome in their tribe?

We have two jobs. First, stand back and stand by while they destroy each other. Second, and most important, VOTE.

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Stand back?

I'm thinking we should sell them nunchucks and knives and cheer them on.

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Then censured him for writing legislation.

Hey, the press, you sure that Dems are the ones who have to "work across the aisle" what with the GOP censuring its own members for the crime of "doing their jobs"?

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Ta, Gary. Lankford is more proof that there's no such thing as a good Republican (anymore).

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TBF, they’ve always believed a bunch of crap.

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Republicans prove time and time again that they aren’t a serious governing party who want to deal with the problems facing the country. They just want power for power’s sake and so they can make the people they hate suffer.

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A protection racket that hijacked a major political party as a front.

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Please never give Robin Vos credit for anything.

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I made this mistake of getting into this on Reddit. Me: The immigration bill was killed. Them: I t was a bad bill. Me: It gave the Republicans everything they said they wanted! Them: It was a giveaway to the Democrats! Me: IT WAS WRITTEN BY YOUR OWN REPUBLICANS! YOUR OWN GUYS! THE ONES YOU VOTED FOR! Them: ........ It was a bad bill. Me: So you're saying that the Republicans deliberately wrote a bad bill based on their own policies? Maybe that means their policies are bad.

I think they blocked me, which is good. I got some productivity back..

The Orange Shitgibbon proclaimed it a bad bill,. and thus, it was a bad bill, even if it was based on GOP lore instead of reality.

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One thing we have going for us over here on the non-right-wing-crazy side of politics and society is the sheer self-destructiveness of ignorance and stupidity so thick that it pretty much equates to diabolical evil. These people are like homing pigeons: give them a range of options from gobsmackingly stupid and counterproductive to halfway intelligent to brilliant, and I think we all know which option they'll choose.

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I mean he'll be fine, he can just suck it up and keep voting for what the other Republicans want. He's a lock for his seat as he won't get primaried. Republicans know how to vote anyway.

It's an ugly party populated by ugly-hearted people.

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Being censured by republicans looks like it has become sometimes an honor. Most likely it's just meaningless.

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I was wondering if there is a fine or?

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I'm amazed they haven't done more impeachments.

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OT: waiting to see Dune 2 with Young Werewolfess. Went for a run on the beach earlier and my knees aren’t killing me, so I got that going for me.

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OT: did you hear about the position you were seeking?

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The GOP is obviously a very serious party, staffed with extremely conscientious members, working feverishly to improve the lives of the average American citizen. Obviously. 🙄

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..and I am Marie of Rumania

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Do you have good rum in Rumania?

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You have to hear that in a Truckasaurus! voice.

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Speaking of cults …

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