Also, I saw "David Wright" and got the tinglies there for a sec.


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Also, too, addle-brained, Latin lover Lady MS gives shout out for reference to Cicero, whom she first met in 9th grade:)

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Personally, i'll never forgive Pres. Community Organizer and spineless Democrats from being panicked into defunding ACORN on the basis of criminally obtained and doctored videos. But then ACORN represented the disadvantaged and powerless (aka, the poor of all colors) so they were expendable, unlike Planned Parenthood that had the seal of approval from the white, wealthy Democratic establishment.Even so, in the lawsuits that followed, O'Keefe's millionaire daddy had to shell out at least $150K in fines, awards, etc. to defamed ACORN employees, and some rather big bucks in legal fees (ditto with his PP/Mary Landrieu hit pieces, the latter resulting in federal convictions with no jail time and a slap on the wrist/chump-change--for daddy--fines).But the Garden State's most famous fake pimp is still young, and hubris has infinite patience.

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Years ago, when I learned of Disney's purchase of ABC, I told a friend that henceforth Lori Stokes (former ABC-7 daytime anchor, since moved to a morning show on the Fox affiliate with Roseanna Scotto), Steve Bartelstein (cutie they had to fire for amphetamine use, allegedly), and all the rest of them should wear Mickey Mouse ears while reading the news. Apparently, I wasn't wrong, according to Wright.

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New Yorkers don't need to "cross the Hudson" to find MAGAts. They can either take the Staten Island Ferry or the Long Island Expressway. Loads of 'em there!

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But the implication of that was clear: Liberal urban elites are out of touch. They need to put aside their fancy high school diplomas and spend some time talking to the ignorant goobers in at the East Cornhole, OH diner to learn about the world.

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These Project Vacuous people make me want to punch walls.

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Being a Floridian, I've always called them Mickey Rat...

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I hear what you’re saying re ABC, but I meant a traditional news op in contrast to project Veritas and its brethren, Daily Caller, Alex Jones “info” wars, Breitbart. If I were ABC, I’d need significant proof that the video was real and not edited to deliberately misconstrue what Wright was saying before I cut him loose so ignominiously. And - AND - that’s if one accepts the premise that he needed any kind of discipline for his candid remarks about his employer and his own personal politics. Starting to wonder if all broadcast news media ar on David Pecker’s payroll.

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I love all the creative names for Project Vichysoisse....

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That was Charlie Kirk, unless you're referring to the "shat on the floor in college" guy, who is Charles "Chuckles" Johnston

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Unfortunately yes.

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I noticed the "Democrat Socialist" immediately. I mean that is as obvious as it gets.

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Why would any serious news org believe that convicted criminal or any “video” he released?

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We can assume the reporters have research to back up the claims they made, so his case should go nowhere. If it doesn't get thrown out.

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