Because it's soooo hard to convince them Hillz isn't a commie thug from outer space who will declare martial law the second she gets into office. Yeah, that takes some real, shoulder-to-the-wheel work.

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O'Keefe's time would be better served dumpster diving for her deleted emails.

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“it would comprise the identity of our sources and tactics,”

Never a good thing when you're running a scam.

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Who is John Galt?

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Well, the good part is it seems these gopers are running low on material, and there is still a year to go. I can't wait to see the negative ads next fall. Republican imagination...as if :P

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I lost my faith in the justice system when he walked on that one. If the roles were reversed and it was a gop senator, we would have never heard from him again.

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Well, O'Queef is an expert on felonies.

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Jimmy O'Queefe has a caught a Hillary staffer in ANOTHER scandal that is sure to take down the entire campaign, the dastardly deed is at 2:30: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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It's all good, man

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He's a piker. The Cos could show him a thing or two.

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Seriously, guys, let us all pretend to switch sides for a year. Bad mouth the Hillz and the Bernie, make fake gotcha videos and most importantly, many gofundme accountsAnd then once we rake in the bucks of hate, we can donate alllll the money to planned parenthood.

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I bet Donald Segretti weeps at the state of modern Republican ratfucking.

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" we can donate alllll the money to planned parenthood."

After we pay for postage and mailing expenses, right?

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