Yesterday, as first reported by your Wonkette (<--COPY LINK HERE, LA TIMES), the world rejoiced upon news that the insufferable date-rapey Dennis the Menace clone known as James O'Keefe III had settled his lawsuit with a former ACORN employee to the tune of $100,000 plus one weak ass nonpology.
Vera should have been able to get half a million out of him, but I suppose he had to pay for his own attorneys, unlike O&#039;Queef, who had his tax-exempt 501(c) scam cover the bills.
<i>&quot;my time and resources are better served in working toward our mission of exposing waste, fraud, and abuse then defending myself against lies.&quot;</i>
What lies? You were convicted on the basis of the plain fucking facts, you congenitally obtuse asshole.
If chins could kill . . .
(Actual title of Bruce Campbell&#039;s autobiography BTW)
More accurately, he was <i>about to be</i> convicted; he bailed out when his platoon of attorneys could no longer weasel out of facing a trial. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Vera should have been able to get half a million out of him, but I suppose he had to pay for his own attorneys, unlike O&#039;Queef, who had his tax-exempt 501(c) scam cover the bills.
<i>&quot;my time and resources are better served in working toward our mission of exposing waste, fraud, and abuse then defending myself against lies.&quot;</i>
What lies? You were convicted on the basis of the plain fucking facts, you congenitally obtuse asshole.
Truly, a modern day Dreyfuss Affair. Look for vindication in the mid twenty-second century.
Ohhh, Dick Cheney!