Ever since we heard the news that James O'Keefe had launched a voter fraud scavenger hunt in Colorado, we've been eagerly waiting, as we're sure you have, Wonketteers, for his latest video to drop.
<i>You&#039;d think if there was some massive national conspiracy to get Democratic voters to commit fraud that maybe the Democrats wouldn&#039;t be, you know, not in control of the House and on the brink of losing the Senate.</i>
That&#039;s just because the Dems, as in all other things, are <i>really bad</i> at it.
&quot;Who? No, I&#039;m sorry, we don&#039;t know any &#039;James&#039;. You might be thinking of the O&#039;Keefes, who <i>used</i> to live here. We&#039;re the <i>O&#039;Kieths</i>&quot;
Not to mention- either hope everyone throws their ballot out on the same day or plan on rummaging through everyone&#039;s trash for a month straight before the election without anyone noticing
don&#039;t kid yourselves, the wingnuts will buy this hook, line and sinker. They already feel vindicated when O&#039;Queef got a door slammed in his face the other day
&quot;Any of you involved in any illegal activity, &#039;cause I could sure go for some!&quot; - Homer Simpson and James O&#039;Keefe (probably)
<i>... they throw these ballots in the trash, and the trash is filled with ballots. Couldn&rsquo;t someone to go up the trash, take out the ballot...</i>
I think it&#039;s vital... For Democracy!... that James and his little band of plucky, merry pranksters spend the next 6 months digging through every trash dump in Colorado looking and rescuing these poor, discarded ballots.
<i>You&#039;d think if there was some massive national conspiracy to get Democratic voters to commit fraud that maybe the Democrats wouldn&#039;t be, you know, not in control of the House and on the brink of losing the Senate.</i>
That&#039;s just because the Dems, as in all other things, are <i>really bad</i> at it.
<i>His parents must be so proud.</i>
&quot;Who? No, I&#039;m sorry, we don&#039;t know any &#039;James&#039;. You might be thinking of the O&#039;Keefes, who <i>used</i> to live here. We&#039;re the <i>O&#039;Kieths</i>&quot;
Cosplay political ambushes? You&#039;re doing it <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=L5GTTH2zXY8" target="_blank">wrong</a>.
I dated a gal whose inner ladybits were covered in dead ballots. (She never voted.)
And democracy wept ....
And the smarmy little pus-bucket managed to get someone fired anyway, so he feels justified.
The only things digging through the trash in Boulder are bears. And we know how bears love to fuck with an election.
If he really wants to entertain, he should try to vote in Boulder in the Bin Laden get up he waded across the Rio Grande in for his last lame assity.
Who ever keeps giving this guy money please stop. O&#039;keefe offers nothing of value for anyone or anything unless you like being annoyed.
Not to mention- either hope everyone throws their ballot out on the same day or plan on rummaging through everyone&#039;s trash for a month straight before the election without anyone noticing
don&#039;t kid yourselves, the wingnuts will buy this hook, line and sinker. They already feel vindicated when O&#039;Queef got a door slammed in his face the other day
And that they don&#039;t rip the ballot up first to prevent someone from doing what O&#039;Keefe thinks they do.
Based on what the Secretary of State is saying, it is true. They elected an idiot.
&quot;Any of you involved in any illegal activity, &#039;cause I could sure go for some!&quot; - Homer Simpson and James O&#039;Keefe (probably)
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: It&#039;s true. My surprises, they are rarely unexpected.
<i>... they throw these ballots in the trash, and the trash is filled with ballots. Couldn&rsquo;t someone to go up the trash, take out the ballot...</i>
I think it&#039;s vital... For Democracy!... that James and his little band of plucky, merry pranksters spend the next 6 months digging through every trash dump in Colorado looking and rescuing these poor, discarded ballots.