And tell you how great our products are, and provide troubleshooters that waste your time and then tell you to contact support. Maybe an ad or two.

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I think he'd enjoy it. Get him a black robe and a pilgrim hat and a staff.

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Divides? No. They will sit and sulk that elite democrats are being mean to them while INFLATION IS RUINING YOUR LIVES!!!!

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You need to work on your reading comprehension.

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As I've said many times, no. I do a lot of 3d cad and while the Foss v offerings see improving the stuff on windows is a lotore productive.

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THIS^^^^ A googleplex times THIS^^^^

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Microsoft has halfway figured out how to stop and start services and install drivers without a reboot, but it's been a Unix/Linux thing from 1969 on. Once I had a good look (over 20 years) at how Server handles security and resource management I determined I wanted a divorce.

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Lincoln had already been assassinated. The two big architects were Johnson (who was from white sharecropper stock which considered the lowest caste of white in the South. He had the white plantation owners, who used to treat him like the shit under their fancy shoes, come and kiss his ring at the WH to get their land and voting rights back) and Grant, who had been at West Point (and the Service) with many of the officers of the Confederacy. Johnson would have happily continued slavery had he been able to and he also believed the South should rise again. Johnson was a piece of shit.

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Hope the Merida doesn’t fuck up the seriousness of January 6th. Instead of focusing on how it will affect the midterms. Report on how Trump tried to overturn an election.

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they'll run a retraction at 3 am, in between catheter-by-mail ads, and call it a win.

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Joe Headroom?

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Please not to be holding of breath

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I live in an 80% trump county and there's no sign it's gone down to even 79%

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Let me refer you to the last few months of Goebbels's diaries. The Germans were pretty solid for Hitler at least up to January 1945.

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What do you mean not sexy? There's Cawthorn's party circuit pus whatever weird stuff that Senate candidate in Ohio is up to,which even Wonkette will not speculate about.

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I want those hearings to be lit, as the kids say.

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