"She made it clear where she stood on abortion and voting rights. People might object and consider it 'unbecoming' of a judge, but it's well past time we stopped pretending the courts aren't political."
Because those two issues are not, and should've never been made, political.
Whenever abortion is on the ballot, either directly or indirectly, abortion wins. Which is why the GOP will do everything it can to keep it off the ballot.
This guy revealed who he was with that bitter, whiny, petulant concession speech.
It would be slightly less ludicrous if this didn't make him 0 for 2 in Supreme Court elections. Hey asshole, what the fuck made you think things would be any different this time around?
Thinking that rolling back civil rights, and reducing over half the populace to livestock status, is unconstitutional and bad, is hardly political. It’s just common sense if you are a believer in democracy and the fair application of laws. But, I agree that it’s well past the point where anyone who would hope to save our democracy should be giving mealy-mouthed statements about respecting Nazi oppressors who clearly have no intention of following laws.
And it’s also why Dems should center it as the priority issue that it is, and not just a “wedge issue” or “women’s issue” as though it’s a niche topic. Time to play hardball.
Wisconsin shines as North Carolina's own version of Krysten Sinema steps forward and flips from blue to red giving the state gqp a veto proof majority.
from WaPo:
"Cotham, who represents part of Mecklenburg County, beat her Republican opponent by nearly 20 percentage points last year after a crowded Democratic primary. She ran on raising the minimum wage to at least $15 per hour, championing LGBTQ rights and expanding excess to Medicaid, voting and affordable housing, according to her campaign website."
Reading this reminded me of the jolly Wisconsin rednecks of my youth. They were all about beer, polka and fishing. I suspect that as a culture it might be hard for them to hang on to hatred for very long. They got other things to think about, like going to the lake and dropping a line. This might give them a little bit of resilience against the Republican agenda.
Kelly got crushed in the WOW counties during the primary and was never going to get any urban/liberal districts, so his best bet was to light s#!t on fire.couldn't even get that part right.
is his day-job being a really bad lawyer?
“Voters don’t care about abortion anymore” anyone?
And violence. Itchy trigger fingers that lot.
Thank God, Thank God, Thank God!
"She made it clear where she stood on abortion and voting rights. People might object and consider it 'unbecoming' of a judge, but it's well past time we stopped pretending the courts aren't political."
Because those two issues are not, and should've never been made, political.
They are rights.
Protasiewicz will serve a 10-year term
But will she? What is the probability that this impeachment thing succeeds?
Whenever abortion is on the ballot, either directly or indirectly, abortion wins. Which is why the GOP will do everything it can to keep it off the ballot.
This guy revealed who he was with that bitter, whiny, petulant concession speech.
It would be slightly less ludicrous if this didn't make him 0 for 2 in Supreme Court elections. Hey asshole, what the fuck made you think things would be any different this time around?
awww, Zoolie, ya nut!
Thinking that rolling back civil rights, and reducing over half the populace to livestock status, is unconstitutional and bad, is hardly political. It’s just common sense if you are a believer in democracy and the fair application of laws. But, I agree that it’s well past the point where anyone who would hope to save our democracy should be giving mealy-mouthed statements about respecting Nazi oppressors who clearly have no intention of following laws.
And it’s also why Dems should center it as the priority issue that it is, and not just a “wedge issue” or “women’s issue” as though it’s a niche topic. Time to play hardball.
Wisconsin shines as North Carolina's own version of Krysten Sinema steps forward and flips from blue to red giving the state gqp a veto proof majority.
from WaPo:
"Cotham, who represents part of Mecklenburg County, beat her Republican opponent by nearly 20 percentage points last year after a crowded Democratic primary. She ran on raising the minimum wage to at least $15 per hour, championing LGBTQ rights and expanding excess to Medicaid, voting and affordable housing, according to her campaign website."
I smell a(nother) rat.
Reading this reminded me of the jolly Wisconsin rednecks of my youth. They were all about beer, polka and fishing. I suspect that as a culture it might be hard for them to hang on to hatred for very long. They got other things to think about, like going to the lake and dropping a line. This might give them a little bit of resilience against the Republican agenda.
Kelly got crushed in the WOW counties during the primary and was never going to get any urban/liberal districts, so his best bet was to light s#!t on fire.couldn't even get that part right.
But I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede," he said.
That's JUSTICE Protasiewicz to you, loser boy.
Maybe we can get them on board with free beer for every abortion.