He's got the "sniffles" again.

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My point exactly.

People in those targeted smaller markets don't even know they're not watching local news, but central programming from Camazotz.

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He'll file a pre-emptive appeal on the grounds that he knows he's going to lose.

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Itt seems to have been a wretched hive of scum and villainy. http://www.mrlincolnswhiteh...

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... a laundry list of privileges (executive, attorney-client, white ...

FIFY. Ta, Stephen.

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Neither will I. For a while now I've been saying to myself that I doubt he will ever do time, but that with luck he'll be hounded by civil and criminal lawsuits for the rest of his rotten life and die a disgraced, ruined man. Broke. But still delusionally insisting he's a very stable genius, a huge success, and a great president. At this point I'd settle for that.

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that line is busy, however Insurrection is available...

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Or at least a Weird History episode.

It still always makes me think of that rat movie in the 70s.

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I never hear the name of that hotel without thinking about that movie. And the sequel, Ben. 😌 🏨 Rat Hotel is where Bannon belongs.

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I was constantly aggravated as a child by the fact that Wile E. never went back and corrected the things that went wrong in his plans. That was the beta test, now we make improvements.

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Onto a Lego. 😦

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my thoughts as well. I'd be content with an end somewhat akin to McCarthy's. most important item would be that he can't under any circumstance run for/hold public office again. not optimal, but certainly better than nothing.

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... rich ....

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*sigh* You know what; I can't even do this sarcastically any more.

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"can't bring themselves to stop"

At least William Heirens was smart.

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