Last I heard was a statement from a Twitter spokesman confirming it was a lifetime ban. Facebook, on the other hand... https://www.thetimes.co.uk/...

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Years of Republican propaganda about how foreign people in places like Vietnam and Iraq would welcome American troops with open arms, has saturated these hayseeds' imagination to the point they thought Americans would be overjoyed when they murdered their perceived enemies in Congress.I've had the same argument with the same kind of idiots who would equate resisting govt. troops in some imaginary civil war with the ability of the NVA to fight the US Army... hayseeds ≠ NVA

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No, and you were right. I looked him up again and though he seems different he is a Trump man.

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Inflatable sex dolls.

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It would give them something to do.

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The Oafkeepers don't seem to be very well organized. I guess that's what happens when your organization consists of high school dropouts and home schooled morans.

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There was that tan suit.

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Also very appropriate.

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He would chew gum in public too. What kind of person does that? Certainly - No True American!

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Mmmm, breakfast!

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Spell the name of TFG correctly. Or at least get close.

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Yes you know so much better than the people who decided that’s the slogan they want. You should go tell them that.

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First Trump, now these guys. Where's that interest in architecture coming from? Weird.

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Even though he's banned from Twittah, the great Orange Nitwit could take to any medium to exercise his legendary powers of persuasion, and - nah. I can't continue with the conceit. Donald Trump is an idiot and a coward, and the sooner his dopey followers realize it, the better. He has abandoned them, taken the money, and run. He never had any policies, principles, or original ideas. Just an empty, poorly fitted suit. Great guy, otherwise!

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