It bolsters her calls to "drill baby drill" using safe environmentally-friendly off-shore platforms. Though on reflection, maybe she was talking to Todd and his girlfriend(s?) when she said that. Fun fact: Todd Palin's Secret Service code name was "driller" or maybe "drill her" -- not sure the pronunciation. Palin's code name was "Where The Fuck is my Bendy Straw"/

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I'm sorry, were you saying something? I was busy praying before this altar with a portrait of Ronald Reagan and a partial list of the federal buildings named after Him.

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Oh damnit. Can someone who knows tell us which is safer, powderized melamine or radiation?

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Yeah, but what does the Fox resident nuclear physicist Ann Coulter have to say about this? Just 2 weeks ago she and her Adam's Apple the size of a tennis ball told Bill O'Really that a little radiation is good for you. She failed to mention if it was alpha, beta or gamma radiation - those are greek words and who needs fucking science when you watch Fox news?

I predict a tweet from Wasilla Rose within 12 hours that she can see gamma isotopes from her back porch and they are as pretty as the Northern Lights.

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