I'm guessing someone in Japan thinks the extra dose of radiation will give their kids mutant powers to better compete with the rest of the world with. Assuming they're as ignorant about science as Americans are, which they're probably not so nevermind!

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sounds like wonkette's going to be jihad'd again.

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Edward Teller.

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"next slide...oh, here's Tiffy next to a dead Moslem we killed whilst on safari. Best vacation ever!"

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FYI, if you've had <a href="http:\/\/nbge.northbridge.com\/because-its-friday-gardening-gamma-rays" target="_blank">red grapefruit or mint-flavoered gum</a>, you've had the (products of) radioactive fruits and vegetables.

The recent leakage should help out the <a href="http:\/\/www.irb.affrc.go.jp\/index-E.html" target="_blank">Institute of Radiation Breeding</a> in Ibaraki; now they can just go to the market to pick up irradiated fruits and vegetables rather than having to grow their own.

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Jimmy Hoffa?

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