Ugh, as a proud Croatian American, I am horrified that they were in Dubrovnik. I have family there! Our Croatian friends loathe Trump, who got a big old shout out from Seselj, a Serbian ethnic cleanser who somehow escaped the Hague.
Ugh, do I care if Wendi " did " Putin ?Or care abt. Ivanka Trump's " sexual healing ? " ( Yet judging by the photos of her father groping her, I'm guessing she probably needed a LOT .) Of healing, both emotionally and - you thought I meant A LOT OF SEX, you pervy IDKW.It's like sex between your parents; it does not exist because your mind won't go there, with good reason. Same with siblings, they're mentally completely neutered and if they some how mention or do something innapropro, you simply cover your ears and say " Na " repeatedly until it's over.Any accidental glimpse is something you uncomfortably ponder for five minutes and then push down with all the other unpleasant memories. Just the way is.Biology, social conditioning, blah-blah
what will jared do with the giant paperweight @ 666??? maybe we'll all find out when it's mueller time!!! now, which one of you drumpf puppies wants to go first??????
I adore GG, but I've never seen this one. Many years ago, I was walking midtown along the East River. I spotted Garbo more than half a mile away, walking in the other direction in a trench coat and men's hat. As she passed me, she gave me an imperious-yet-approving nod. A memory I treasure; I know she approved.
Not as good as my late friend Charles's story -- he sat next to her at the counter at a Chock Full O'Nuts.
Cary Grant was such an asshole in that movie, I found all my sympathy going to Nazi Claude Rains, who was a really nice guy just sent on the wrong path by his monster of a mother.
Ugh, as a proud Croatian American, I am horrified that they were in Dubrovnik. I have family there! Our Croatian friends loathe Trump, who got a big old shout out from Seselj, a Serbian ethnic cleanser who somehow escaped the Hague.
Ugh, do I care if Wendi " did " Putin ?Or care abt. Ivanka Trump's " sexual healing ? " ( Yet judging by the photos of her father groping her, I'm guessing she probably needed a LOT .) Of healing, both emotionally and - you thought I meant A LOT OF SEX, you pervy IDKW.It's like sex between your parents; it does not exist because your mind won't go there, with good reason. Same with siblings, they're mentally completely neutered and if they some how mention or do something innapropro, you simply cover your ears and say " Na " repeatedly until it's over.Any accidental glimpse is something you uncomfortably ponder for five minutes and then push down with all the other unpleasant memories. Just the way is.Biology, social conditioning, blah-blah
what will jared do with the giant paperweight @ 666??? maybe we'll all find out when it's mueller time!!! now, which one of you drumpf puppies wants to go first??????
I adore GG, but I've never seen this one. Many years ago, I was walking midtown along the East River. I spotted Garbo more than half a mile away, walking in the other direction in a trench coat and men's hat. As she passed me, she gave me an imperious-yet-approving nod. A memory I treasure; I know she approved.
Not as good as my late friend Charles's story -- he sat next to her at the counter at a Chock Full O'Nuts.
Cool, the old New York.
Wendy and Ivanka were in Yugoslavia to join in the blood sport of trapping and torturing young persons kidnapped from a local youth hostel.
They truly are their own worst enemy.
Conspiracies aren't real until Alex Jones says they are.
The Drumpf family has ruined spy novels for a generation.
How dare she wear cut offs when touristing like a common Michelle Obama.
Prolly Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson said everything on the internetz.
Cary Grant was such an asshole in that movie, I found all my sympathy going to Nazi Claude Rains, who was a really nice guy just sent on the wrong path by his monster of a mother.
Can't we just cut to the scene where the ladies get nekkid and rub their tatas all over each other?
Oh, wait, those aren't Donnie's two porn hookers?...
Pootie Putin gnawed through them sumbitches like the man's man he is.
I've been worrying about that for awhile now. Glad to know I'm not alone.