I'm confused. He got his teenage son to speak for him?

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Beats the typical notpology offered by Rs.

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Golden is my rep. I'm glad to see this course correction, and I'll be calling his office to offer my gratitude that he's supporting gun control measures finally.

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Well, a day late a many lives short. Way to go Rep. Golden. I'm sure the people of Maine, especially those currently sheltering in place in and around Lewiston, are heartened and pleased by your new-found courage to stand against the NRA. It probably means a big hit to your fund-raising, but I'm sure it will more than be made up for by the new spine you are growing. Maybe.

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From what I am hearing, people here are very glad he's taking this stance. It is a source of comfort and also productive action.

Would it be better if he were being like Collins and King and offering thoughts and prayers?

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Those who didn't pay attention to the lessons of history are fated to babble incoherently about the constitution. Too bad so many of them are/or want to be in Congress or currently serve on the "Supreme" Court.

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Add "bowling alley" to the list…

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Great! Thanks, Jared! It only took the senseless slaughter of 18 more people to change your mind?

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It’s nice that he offered a proper apology. It’s a very low bar though.

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Suan Collins, Rusty Rake.

Rusty Rake, Susan Collins.

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Susan Collins. tetanus

Tetanus, Susan Collins


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I hate Susan Collins. That is all.

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Who doesn't?

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We keep hearing about voter fraud and stolen elections. I'd believe it with her. She's so unpopular, but managed to win somehow.

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Every guy with a gun thinks he’s the good guy

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Right up to the point where he opens fire in a bowling alley.

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How exactly does Theriault think health care would have prevented this incident? Does anybody really think a guy like the shooter would walk into a hospital and ask for help? Is Theriault suggesting that the shooter should have been involuntarily committed when he claimed he heard voices? So we can violate the civil right of everyone who's ever had a mental health issue (the vast majority of whom are not dangerous) as long as the gun nuts among them are allowed to take their AR-15s with them to the loony bin? What could go wrong?

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"Now is not the time blah blah blah".

Bullshit. Now is EXACTLY the time. Because if not now, when? When will Republicans EVER accept an assault weapons ban?

About the Fifth of Never, that's when.

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the next time it happens and they say "now is not the time", ask them what time would be good for them... establish a firm date and venue RIGHT there....

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Susan Collins: Champion of Wishy-Washy Bullshit.

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". . . and because of a false confidence that our community was above this . . ."

This thinking right here ^^^ GAH! The flip side of "I didn't think it would happen in my community" is being OK with it happening in someone else's. We need people to stop (a) believing their town is immune AND (b) start believing that even if their town is immune other people's children matter just as much.

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He tried that in a small town...

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“Fear of this dangerous world . . .” Well yeah, it’s a dangerous world — certain asshole politicians keep blocking legislation to get weapons of mass murder out of circulation, making this particular part of the world more dangerous.

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I did give Susan collins a bit of credit for opening remarks thanking Joe and others in the admin who called and offered resources. She even told how Joe had stepped out of a state dinner to call her.

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Biden is pure class...Collins is still transactional RW filth

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