"Questions are still being raised about the contents of certain e-mails still not yet discovered nor allegedly not turned over"

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I’m thinking we’ll need to run Kushie through a Color Me Beautiful screening. Arpaio Pink might be more his shade.

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"Oh, you mean Ivanka's other boyfriend?"

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"It’s even harder when you’re a corrupt, entitled snake who repeatedly lies about your finances to federal investigators and serves as a living, breathing poster child for privileged venality. "

Fucking brutal!

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And the En Ar Ay....

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This warms me...

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Just another weeknight around these parts.

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You'd think I-Wanka would have plenty of falsies to choose from.

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As the twig is bent...

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Serious literature here, worthy of 50 Shades of Trump! “Kushner is a man who needs a billion dollars fast, and is willing to cast shame on the winds to get there. The stench of his venality and desperation hangs around him like stripper perfume, cloying and obvious. Jared all but hiked up his sassy pink petticoats while whistling “Hey, sailor!” to the Chinese, Israeli, Arab, and Russian investors he begged to invest in his failing 666 Fifth Avenue white elephant.”

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Especially before you add milk to coffee

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Don't give them any ideas!

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So this pansy-assed entitled snowflake FINALLY got his security clearance revoked? The one he never should have had in the first place? And he's all bent out of shape over it?Cry me a river!

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Top secret clearance for a guy who sought to have a secret back channel to Moscow through the fucking Russian Embassy? Where's the problem here people? He's obviously being punished by the deep state.

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All joking aside Jared seems like the kind of guy who is missing the mental faculty to be honest in his business dealings and that is what will ultimately land him bankrupt and in jail like his father

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It's almost sad, you know. To see Javanka going up against the likes of Kelly and McMaster, who have actual experience in not fucking up 100% of the time.

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