On the other hand, if you stand close enough to Judge Jeanine and inhale deeply, you can still get drunk on just the fumes.

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Boy, what a dirty, lowdown, evil trick. I mean, I was hating MM even before it became a status symbol.

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It might just be stuck in that position and he can't not raise it. Sort of like McKayla Maroney's smirk, except I think she can move her mouth to a normal position.

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290 days, if my calculations are correct.

I hope.

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Or Borgias.

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Their best solar-powered, eco-friendly, composting tumbrels.

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Oh, c'mon. I'll be that at least one of them is on the couch, just like Tony Soprano or that Martin Blank guy from Grosse Pointe Blank. Because even if they enjoy inflicting harm, at least one of them has trouble sleeping because of it.

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See my comment to SineDie above.

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If the facts to not fit, they must be eliminated, ignored, or twisted to fit the pre-existing policy.

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You know, in many ways I've thought that this will only hit home -- at least with most of the public -- when a really big celebrity succumbs. Sort of like how Reagan thought that AIDS was no big deal until his old buddy Rock Hudson came down with it. Tom Hanks might have been that person but a) he's well-known to be a liberal, so Fox would just have said "good riddance" and b) he's recovered. But who knows . . . especially if that someone is beloved on the right.

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The Borgias flourished. The Romanovs met an... unfortunate end.

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I was in a generous mood. But he isn't quite bright enough to realize he's no genius. The most dangerous kind of smart. Or maybe the second-most.

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But if her lips explode, you would be spattered with silicone, Botox, and collagen. As they may do, at any moment. Be careful!Or just let me offer you a drink.

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I mean Jared. He's a gay as a three dollar bill, and that's something I know for a fact. Ivanka only gets with gay men. Always has.

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Good point.

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Sorry. I don't owe Kushner anything, and neither does anyone else.

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