The Elite! Why if we wanted the elite in the white house...

(Fill in the blank.)

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Really, Nikita, after your role in the Ukraine famine, you say that? Whatevs.

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Each more incompetent than the last.

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All the better. He should spend the rest of his life as unKosher literally as he is metaphorically. He should eat canned clams from the dollar store, as that is the only protein he can afford.

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Is that what "two corinthians" is code for?

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Surely you're joking, Mr. Venable.

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Is he cheating on Ivanka? With whom? If not, when will he start?

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264 posts without that question. I must be particularly gross. Or in violation of hte rules.

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So when will the public hanging for treason take place?


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Or ADX Florence.

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He is tough as nails and beneath the polished elegance, or what passes for it, is a man who’s “unfailingly polite and urbane on the surface while searching for the soft underbelly to stick the knife in.” So, sort of like a well-scrubbed version of his dad-in-law, but with a mute button.

Dok, I must thank you, Rebecca and the rest of the Wonkettariat for giving me laughs when all I want to do is scream and cry. I don't know how I would be making it through the Trump administration without this site, Crooks & Liars and Stephen Colbert.

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"Pedigree" is a fancy word for "inbreeding" and most educated people know that inbreeding results in recessive genes becoming dominant. Most pure bred dogs are dumb as posts.

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Hamster wheel?

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(Rude pundit, Bartcop and Wonkette also helped me through Dubya and return of Dubya)

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yeah, like when I'm embarrassed for others from the Indian Subcontinent who spew ignorant BS and date Laura Ingraham, but then I'm a coconut Indian so I have my own self loathing to contend with.

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Walter sure rolled on Shabbos when there was money and dirty underwear involved.

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