... roaming the streets - AND SHEETS WITH HUMA!!1!!!

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Aaron Schock quit real quick like also too. I haven't seen any internet speculation that the two are giving each other enamas all the time, but that seems as likely as him running for Preznit.

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Lock Him Up!

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"unfuckable puke stain" for the win, Evan.

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While jail would be my preference (preferably one of those for-profit jails so beloved of Repubs), I do feel that Chaffetz and FAUX truly deserve one another.

Tough call.

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Politicians often run for a higher office while holding on to their original one. Is there a legal reason he couldn't do this?

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Yeah, no shit. I thought he was related to Michael Dukakis's adopted son, and I was right: they're half-brothers. Jewish, Christian Scientist, Mormon: the head swims in that swamp.

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"Huh. Huh. He thed 'whith.' Russian hookerth are hot."--Butthead

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Mormons can't do that, so maybe he'll spend time with his undergarments or his wives.

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I heard he was quitting so he could launch an uninterrupted probe into how to get to Sesame Street. He wants to find all the corrupt CDC money funneled to Sid the Science Guy to raise awareness of the Zika virus. Joke's on him; Sid the Science Guy doesn't even live on Sesame Street. He could pop over to Venice Beach and rent out his furrowed brow to hippies and environmentalists who need someplace to park their bikes, as long as they don't mind getting a little smegma on their tires.

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Will he be participating in the John Boehner early retirement plan? You may remember John, the Speaker of the House, who retired suddenly to spend more time with his liquor bottles.

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Utah has four.

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According to Reuters, the Utah Lt. Gov. is already setting one up.

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Apparently he is a real republican, he has over $650k in campaign debt that he is unable to pay......

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Did you ever think you would write those words six months ago?

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