I knew there was something wrong with that guy! Giving away free medical treatment? Blasphemy!

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It occurs to me now that our public schools are poised to be Jesus-ified, home schooling will soon be the preferred choice of non-wingnuts. How the worm turns.

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Is it the blank look and vacant stare?

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This was a strategy that was actually discussed.

They were picking people with those stupid hate to let in.

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She's apparently planning to run for governor of Tennessee. So she may not be concerned much with her constituents.

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Gerrymandered and suppressed I'll hazard a guess?

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> White House spokeswoman Leslie Jones


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I'd settle for opening phony Congressional investigation after phony Congressional investigation after phony Congressional investigation

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Nothing compared to George Soros. Nothing.

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> one older person even said they didn't know that's what Trump was going to do until after the election


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Just don't read that on the senate floor if you're a woman.

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Which results? The ones where Hillary won by 3 million votes? Or the ones where the "party line" involved decency, intelligence, and humanity? Save your anti-Hillary bullshit for your trolling on twitter.

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HEY! Jason ChafeIt SAID he called Kelleyanne out on her endorsement of Iwanker's products! He SAID he was proud of having withdrawn his endorsement from the Ol' Pussy Grabber and then given it back. He's good on the whole ethics investigation thing until 2018 so don't bring it up again, please.

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I see, a geology joke. I'm terrible with maps, so I didn't get it. Also, I live right next to Galena, so didn't think of it in any other context.

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I thought it was a form of lead but brain forgets chemistry sometimes

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Isn't he a refugee from Hungary?

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