Wasn't this whole Red Sox curse thing because Babe Ruth fucked a goat or something?

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"*I* was saying 'Boo-urns'."

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Ah yes. But I remember it differently. It was a gray sock on one boot and a lighter gray sock on the other.

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Obama got some schooling right there in Cambridge -- he's tuned-in enough to use the same line, as a gag at his next event.

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You guys always get it wrong. Stanford's teams are "The Cardinal". It's a color, not a bird. Someone told me once that there's a sports team somewhere named after the bird, so maybe that's what confuses people. Although, really, an oriole looks nothing like a cardinal.

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You know the one that hoovered up your tax dollars for a new stadium, before leaving town? That's the one.

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"OK, so we traded away a popular, championship-winning, frachise player. Seriously, what could possibly go wrong?" -- Red Sox management.

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That's really hard to pull off ... you'd have to say something bad about the Cubs that's not true.

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The modern, high-tech version of "ripping him a new one."

"Hold my beer, and hand me that screwdriver." - Barack Obama

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NOPE. (I saw it on a poster, so it must be true.)

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Those are not mutually exclusive.

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Funniest line ever uttered by Terry Francona: "I've seen Youk in the shower. He's not the Greek God of anything."

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Dr. Seuss wrote a Star Trek episode?

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As a hard-core fan of The Saahx, I can assure you that those were indeed boos -- but they were not directed "at" Obama the President. They were directed at Obama the White Sox fan, to some extent, but also at Red Sox management, White Sox management, and against the cold, uncaring universe in general. This is what Red Sox fans have always done, and will always do.

It's our birthright, and no mere World Series win can take it away from us -- although crushing the Yankees in 2004 did provide a nice break in the routine.

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Yes, but did anyone go bankrupt making a shitty videogame and then blame the Governor of a neighboring state?

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