The “eye of Sauron” that just looked like a glowing asshole is so very, very on-brand for this whole population.

As a lifelong (not young) LoTR fan I’m appalled that these motherfuckers claim any association with it. I comfort myself with the fact that they definitely don’t admire Sam Gamgee, which means they only think they read those books - the entire point sailed clean over their heads.

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Do yourself a favor, don't, it is noble MAGA shit.

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JD, we can get you some training films for how to behave at your authentic best in the big city. (In case your New Haven Tiger Mommy can't spoon feed you pablum anymore.)

Gomer Pyle, USMC

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I can't really say anything about your legislature from this side of the river.

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I know we’re not supposed to non-comment on a person’s physical appearance, and I do try to avoid it. But, my Dog, why is it that so many GQPers have no discernible chin??

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I'm FROM Texas, and I love that video!

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JD is a professional taker. He'll get handouts from some other right-wing dirty money machine. The Coors Heritage Foundation specializes in funneling dough to unemployables. The aptly-named Hoover Institution offers overfed and underlit windbags a place to hide out.

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It’s very gross, but very true

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Vance’s problem is that even though Thiel has plenty of cash to burn, he has no credibility left.

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That fat oaf came from Queens by way of a reform school, Upstate, and has been despised by New Yorkers his entire life. Roy Cohn was the only friend he ever had. (Why is that, actually?)

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You forgot: poor people don’t deserve phones.

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Little scruffy punk still has the mind of a child. His Tiger Mommy at YALE must have done that to him, not being an unloved, unwanted, uneducated goofus who had to join the army after high school.

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Then came state U, at state expense. Then he got taken up by the Tiger Mama at Yale, which also plied his sad sack case with handouts. A poor writer, a lousy thinker, proud of his zero self-awareness and with enough sociopathy to be a true Republican, little James David is one very lost soul. Bless his little heart.

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Some of those rust belt pricks made a long trip on 9/11 to help out and shuttle supplies for weeks after, so there's always that.

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I wish it was made up.

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