Vance is scary. He's one of those RWNJ who actually believes all this crazy shit. And he's not a fucking moron like Trump. He's bright, he's nuts, and his vision is literally one of a white, Christian evangelical police state. I worry he's gonna be Trump's running mate.

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So why does J.D. hate Ohio? Ohio has Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon - all of these companies either have primary plants or use subcontractors there, which means bringing home the bacon for workers in the state.

And since when did J.D. become a hippie, all concerned about how many people are gonna get killed by building weapons? As for Patriots, J.D. Dunce conveniently "forgets" that Germany and Japan ALSO build Patriots, so his little math problem will have red circles and Xs on it.

I didn't read the opinion piece as I like to retain my calm demeanor, but every time I have read similar screeds from the RWNJ faction I've been entertained by going to the comments and reading posts that seem like they come from common Wonketteers.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

Is Jimmie's mommy surrogate, the disgraced Amy Chua, proud of her little waste case? How drunk is she, actually?

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Putin is 71. Men die of natural causes in their 70’s all the time. Life expectancy is around 74 for men these days, in America anyway. I can’t say what it is for Russia. Is this what that monster wants to do with his few remaining years? I just never understand how older people seem to ignore the undeniable fact that time is limited. Live it well. Putin is busy murdering people in a neighboring country and plunging his own country into war, chaos and sadness. His ex-wife figured it out. She divorced him in 2014, escaping that terrifying situation. She’s 66, and her new husband is 46. If you aren’t living a life where you’re cognizant of the lives and happiness of other people, you’re doing it wrong.

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"By committing to a defensive strategy, Ukraine can ...", war genius Juvenile Delinquent Vance says?

Patriot missiles are DEFENSE weapons.

What a self-involved dullard.

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I freaking can't with this guy. There isn't enough loathe on the loathe scale for what I feel for this dude.

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I fucking DESPISE JD Vance.

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Give him a break... He as so poor in college his parents could only afford two initials.

Luckily he got JD and not VD.

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"If something is hard it's not worth doing" is a line from The Simpsons, not a moral philosophy for managing international affairs, JD.

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Tonight we had The Simpsons on. Bart said, “Homer, if you like this neighborhood so much, why keep littering?”

Homer, “it’s easier, duh.”

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You write "...the lesson of what happens when a psychotic dictator destabilizes Europe by conquering neighboring countries with populations he does not see as actual human beings" as being a lesson learned three times by the world. Has it been learned? I think not. P.S. fuck you J.D. Vance. Fuck you hard, you traitorous sack of donkey dicks. Apologies to donkeys.

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“Vance is a self-absorbed, ambitious asshole who would throw his own family under a bus if it got him even an ounce more fame and power.”

I worked for someone like this in college. It lasted less than three months and I vowed never again. Truly the worst people.

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Does repellant reptile Vance launder Russian money as well as Russian propaganda? This seems worthy of serious investigation.

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He has Peter Thiel money

Of course, people like that with psychopathological comparisonitis remain obsessed with "there's never enough money"

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JD you maga asskissing moron...with clowns like you on his side, Putin feels he has the advantage vs. Ukraine so "negotiations" w/ him = surrender but who cares about advancing fascism right? that's the maga jam.

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You know, seeing this guy’s made up mug on the main page made me think “Ya know? That is a face that really needs a pie thrown at it.”

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The jury selection is really going to cut into his hair and makeup time.

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Just a couple of words of appreciation here.

Right now, I am sitting in the catbird seat, no complaints. But. I know that the world can turn on a dime, and probably will, and when it does, I know I can come here and tell you guys about it. I don’t have to be the strong person, I don’t have to worry about burdening anyone, I can just come here and let it roll. And I know that I will find compassion and wisdom, and maybe even someone who makes me laugh and helps me find perspective. That’s beyond special.

So I am just saying thank you in advance, and thank you for the times you’ve been here when I needed you. We all have to swim for shore when the boat goes down, but it’s good to have someone who can point you in the right direction.

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Why am I blocked from liking some comments? Is someone watching??? Is it AI?? I can feel the paranoia creeping up.

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Sometimes, the "like" thing just takes some extra time to work on Substack. When it is being especially slow, it also sometimes reverts the like a few seconds after registering it. Sometimes a second click will stick.

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If that person has blocked you, you can’t upvote their non-comments. You can still read them. That’s different than Disqus was.

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Indeed, even more fucked up.

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It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. I can't say more; they're listening.

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