Who doesn't?

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That can't even be spun as a positive, like he wouldn't have an Oval Office sex scandal because he couldn't work the zipper. With our luck, he's attracted to women who know how to work zippers

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He's not crazy enough for the base. Dumb enough, but not crazy enough.

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Could it get into his Never-Was-Presidential Library?

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JEB! is rebranding...

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I have no idea what my IQ is. I figure it would be lower than I thought, which means I'm not as smart as I think, which would bum me out.

Or, it would be higher than I expected, which means that I didn't reach my full potential, which would bum me out.

Look at me! Not bummed out!

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"Sweet bar mitzvahed Christ on the bimah"

I can always count on Kaili to teach me new Hebrew and Yiddish vocabulary. :-)

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think tank.

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might i refer you to the following:


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i'm sure he could wrap-up that spot in two or three hundred takes per segment.

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With the one caveat that they never shit gold as shiny as their father could shit...which is how we ended up in Iraq...to prove...something.

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I had to look up what a bimah is (raised platform from which the Torah is read). I just have to share this picture to erase Jeb's countenance. https://upload.wikimedia.or...

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The note Babs pinned there said, "If found please dispose of in nearest dumpster."

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He takes risks walking up stairs.

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Blinded by ambition. I've been saying the fix is in. Maybe I'm more correct than I think.

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