Well, at least tax cuts for those making over a million, anyway.

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And "least inspirational" also, too.

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That's because Bristol is a white republican and thanks to her and her mother's hard work at grifting, very wealthy. As a rich, white republican Christian, Bristol is to be commended for her pro-life decision as well as for her dedication to becoming re-hymenated after not marrying her first fiance. Just like with Josh and his kiddie "improper touching", she has the rich white republican Christian get out of being a dirty sinner free card.

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I think she's had a couple of more "fiances" since that first one!

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Wait, no, that's wrong. Johnellis?

Oh, right, same guy. Ne'mind.

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At this point, I think she's not married half of Alaska.

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"Gove— Errr, Governor? That one, umm, that's not, not, that's umm. G-g-governor? That's a goat. I know it's hard to tell it from the donors by sight or smell or touch, but the donors mostly bleat in English."

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I so wish he'd go to Athens and give a public speech. They'd love him!

(there's a lot of hunger in that country, and there's a lot of him to go around)

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The native half, obviously

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Prezactly. Whether your sexytime is responsible or irresponsible, it's still icky sexytime and is a sin. Unless you're fingering your sister, of course.

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Didn't someone tell the conservatives that I no longer feel any need to scream "Fuck Bush!" at the top of my lungs? So, this "campaign" is totally unnecessary.

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The new theory is that putting the aspirin into the business end of the penis will work better to prevent contraception.

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Jeb Bush is like Mitt Romney on steroids, except Jebbie doesn't look nearly as good with his shirt off. Or so I've heard.

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So that's a family value, right?

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They're practically acephalic already. Intermarry these royal lines and they'll have a quiverfull of bleeders, for sure.

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I think you win "most painful use for a pain reliever."

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