Whoa...Lauren Lauren.

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More like Fearless Fosdick villains..

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Take that Vote! And that!...

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John Ellis Bush should just slither away and get back to banging his mistress Cynthia Henderson.

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He’s always down for a siesta or something.That's how I read it.

Seems that his one and only talent is that he's a cheap bastard and hates spending money. Especially on schoolz and poorz.

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..he’s always down for a fiestasiesta or something.FIFY

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oops. Should have read further down before posting. My JEB!

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gotta wonder if when brother #3 runs he'll go with "Ne!L"

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As it turns out, JEB! turned Stephen's first show into a big bowl of vanilla pudding that never got thick enough to set.

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I watched the whole show, including the "extra" footage, and other than Stephen describing the two raffles (his raised $183,000, he didn't say what JEB!'s raised) and the winner of his raffle's question being read and answered, I saw nothing about the winner of JEB!'s raffle. There was a cut in the "extra" footage after the answer to Stephen's winner's question. I'm assuming that's where the discussion of JEB!'s no-show took place. Am I wrong? Did I miss something? I admit, I didn't watch the "extra" footage to the very end because my brain was reacting as if JEB! was a powerful sedative, and it was too early to justify a nap.

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I plan on willing my hatred of the Bushes to my decendants.

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OT but I never noticed that W painted the fucking mildew in the grout in the shower portrait. That's some realism right there. What is that thing in the upper left corner, a security camera?

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Oh dear. Now I'm going to have to refer to him as Jebya! Every time. Forever.

Thanks, Greg. (Greg!?)

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I slept through it.

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If you put the exclamation point in parentheses (like Charlie Pierce does), it looks like he is mooning you.JEB (!)

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