Paging Karen Carpenter - what, too soon?!

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There are times when I think Huey Long might have been right with his Share the Wealth plan.

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If I had a nickel for every time I repeated that last sentence...

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the Jeb!onacci sequence?

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Jeb! - Placid and Flaccid

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Is he trailing Giuliani now? Not surprised.

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But do you hate the fucking Eagles?

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And then the men cool off by clearing a little brush.

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Alternate campaign slogan?

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shorter Β‘Jeb!, "don't worry about my poll numbers, Karl's out fixing the Debold machines as we speak"'

Seriously, the GOP is playing shenanigans in multiple states trying to suppress TRump voters. Iowa is going to be full metal brownshirts from all sides bullying caucus goers. GOP got a loyalty pledge passed for the primary in VA.

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my worst fear was is that the GOP will nominate someone merely stoopid and not thoroughly batshit insane and pull off another 'guy I'd like to get shitfaced with' again. In other words a repeat of 2000/2004. The $$$GOP has clearly been angling for a FL/OH ticket because they are critical for the win and pretty easy to fix the vote there because of the GOP dominated state BOEs. Every time Β‘JEB! stumbles I breath a sigh of relief but I won't believe they aren't fixing it for him until he formally drops out. Even then I think he is an even bet to be the VP pick. Think Poppy in 1980. The Bush crime family have no problem running a puppet WH.

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Sanders-Trump would be the best.

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I just heard that Rand Paul has 1000 precinct captains lined up in Iowa -- that's really impressive for a small campaign with like, no org whatsoever in the state. I have no clue what Bush's presence is but in my county in Eastern Iowa, all I've seen are a handful of Cruz and Carson signs. Christie is making headway; I have no idea about Rubio, although I know he's been making stops. I think Bush is gonna get plowed in Iowa. I don't "get" New Hampshire so some other wonkette reporter will have to get on that.

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The Repub process for caucusing in Iowa is less potentially confrontational than the Dem process. It's basically done by brief speeches, then paper ballots. There's none of the drama of realignment interaction, they just say "you're not viable, redo" and then people do it over again. I'm not sure where bullying is possible in that process, although TBH I don't know any Republicans in my area who can speak to their experiences (Iowans tend to keep mum in f2f convos about their political involvement).

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You think Trump would flip on his Bush hate? Considering how much energy he's devoting to the idiotic "rivalry" with Samuel L Jackson, I can't imagine him making a rational choice like that. I'd bet on him to pick, oh Carson or some other completely manipulable idiot who wouldn't push back (Santorum? Gilmore?).

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