It will be more like sending an extinct DoDo bird into a minefield. Greyhounds are too agile. =)

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Being stupid, as we and the rest of the world have so sadly learned, not only is not a strike against a candidate, it has been lauded as genuine, a positive attribute by the elite who "know" that a little stupid with a dash of daring ignorance is just the thing for a Republican presidential candidate. Disingenuous stupid isn't rooted out as long as it is convincing. Quite a destination at which we have so recently arrived.

Bush Pere, an obviously intelligent man somehow with his equally intelligent wife sired two all American red, white and blue ignoramuses.

This must be qualified: in this age of disdain for above average intelligent presidents-Clinton and Obama-we have witnessed the excoriated, lied about and dismissed Presidents by the minions of American Stupid.

I suppose it's possible that Bush the Greater and his intelligent Barbara sired two intelligent offspring who, having gauged the American Stupid zeitgeist, prompted George the Lesser to cynically adopt Stupid to win the presidency.

There is every reason to believe this latest copy of the Bush manliness has already adopted Stupid as his guiding principle. He tours the unsuspecting country sprinkling fairy dust in the voters eyes thus making them believe that Stupid is just the ticket to the promised land.

Next up: Drooling and Campaigning with the final Bush the Lesser.

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That wasn't Corman

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Jeb Bush loves abortions so much, wants to marry it and make more little abortions. It's the only possible explanation for making women advertise their slutdoptions, no?

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Her UNCLE knocked her up? Gross. Ewww.

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When Jebya ran for governor of Floriduh in 1994, he was the "smart" Bush son. But he lost, and after watching his retarded brother's success in Texas and Washington, he now realizes that the stupider he appears, the more likely it is America will love him.

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Then there is Neil.

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I don't ever want to meet the kind of people who laud him for coming up with this idea.

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Hard to pick just one.

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Nice shaggy moth joke.

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Something there is that doesn't love a wall.


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There's one two comments up, if you want to meet one to play with.

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Or we could do something effective, like improving access to birth control, comprehensive sex education, and getting a living wage so government support wasn't needed as often. Of course, all that is opposed by the very people who want to do the shaming.

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Darn it, deleted before I could see it in all it's glory.

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You knew that they were pious and virtuous because half the boys in your class swore to it.

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I am pretty sure that the very same complaints have been voiced by sanctimonious blowhards for centuries, if not millennia. If you have absolutely nothing of substance to say, a good fall-back strategy is to tut-tut about the state of morality these days.

O tempora! O mores!

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