More like the Get Smart one.

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my state got royally fucked by both bush brothers. jeb doesn't merit a second shot but at least he no longer has kathryn harris or hanging chads.

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Sorry, I haven't read the comments yet, but I may go to bed soon, and I'm wondering, does anybody know what "I have to do the Heisman on my brother that I love, you know?" fucking means?

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Well, I am an only child.

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Nope. Not "As Much". That's "Both sides do it". Some fault, even considerable fault. but it was the repos who drove the whole thing.

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He waited before that smarmy smear?

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I think it means he has to brutally shove him out of the consciousness of the voters, which may prove to be an Augean stables sort of problem.

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If by "unified" you mean "viciously vilified dissenters as unpatriotic terrorist sympathizers" then yeah, I remember W doing that too.

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Pull this pose anytime 2001-09 is mentioned:


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His ideas only make my gorge rise...oh yes, and the vomit, also too.

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Yes yes, please keep telling us how your brother and worst president in recent history is so awesome John Ellis (Jeb). I do have to admit that texas swagger and fakish drawl get's me every time though....snif. Off to play with my anatomically correct Dubya in flight suit action figure.http://www.amazon.com/Georg...

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yea, I thought he might have pulled a malaprop as his brother was so prone to do and said Heisman when he meant Heimlich. he certainly should learn to do the Heimlich as I predict there is likely to be lots of choking on vomitus when he is out on the campaign trail.

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holy frack, wonkette is still around. who knew!

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And touched you deeply?

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...he unified the country...

And of course if, God forbid, an equally terrible attack should occur under Obama or Hillary Clinton, the Republicans would immediately rally to his/her side and not take a lot of political cheap shots, right?


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If Jeb admits that Iraq was a mistake, how can he justify Iraq Reloaded?

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