Maybe if Marco "I'm not always thirsty, but when I am...(gulp)" Rubio agrees to the VP slot? Oh, wait - they're both from Floriduh - never mind.

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Seriously, though... what exactly is "Hispanic"? I live in Mexico, where we think it means people from Spain. Under the US definition, Mitt Romney is Hispanic.

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Well, there are two ways to go about it - the US way, and the French way, which is resolutely colourblind. They used to keep records on ethnicity, but the fact that the Government knew where all the Jews lived was a problem when the Nazis invaded.

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Well, my Chinese inlaws, kids and ex assure me that having birthed Chinese children I'm a sister on the (literal) inside. Was it Mr. or Mrs. JEB who birthed the babies? Because maybe that's what he was thinking.

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Well, the "racism is over" crowd loves colorblind solutions. And it's not as if France doesn't have real issues with ethnic discrimination.

It's difficult to combat discrimination if you can't keep track of it.

I'd rather have tools to fight the discrimination problem we actually have, than cater to paranoia about hypotheticals. Also, Godwin.

ETA: The French "census" of Jews was actually an action by the Vichy government after the beginning of the Nazi occupation. It is apparently not something the "French government used to keep track of" because they had to gather this data fresh in 1940. A major information source was synagogue membership lists, so use a false identity when attending worship services is the lesson there?


Here's a French hero who saved thousands of lives by sabotaging the Vichy "census" program:


No particular relevnance, just an admirable person worth mentioning.

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La verdad es que, you are correct; people of Mexican or South American heritage should really be called Latinos, but not a lot of norteamericanos know this and mistakenly use "Hispanic."

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Jeb a Latino?!

I bet Barbara Bush choked on her gin and tonic when reading that! LoL

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I'm sure one of them can quickly fly out to Colorado and fix that. It worked for Cheney.

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When I first started to work in HR (back in the early 70's) we were required to identify the ethnicity/race of new hires for statistical purposes. It was hilarious listening to us small-town whitebread clerks trying to make that determination when we had no clue.

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Jep Bush.

"A wasp WASP in the Caribbean."

I tell you, crazy mun.


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Tacos for everyone!

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Before we jump to too many conclusions, perhaps a paternity DNA test is in order. According to birf'er scientists, if the father isn't American, the child isn't American regardless of birthplace or mother's nationality.

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Seriously? You have to fill in what race you are on a voter registration?I think that if any official document dared to ask after race in the European socialist hellhole where I live, that the entire media would explode in indignation. Rightly so, I would say.

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Jeb! You can't win if you alienate the Traditional Real Racists (those who hate Hispanics) in favor of the Nouveau Racists (people who point out racism).

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Take off, eh!

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I call bullshit! He doesn't have calves the size of cantaloups.

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