. . . and the least they could do is shut them down at night . . . the wind they make whistling through the eaves of my house is keeping me awake!!!!!

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The thing is, W used to be far more coherent. There was this great video comparing his performance at a Texas gubernatorial debate, with one of the Presidential debates. It was night and day - he used to speak in complete, complex sentences, compared to the disjointed phrases later on. He was still wrong on most of the issues, of course, but at least he sounded like an adult discussing them. Alas, the video is long gone. :-(

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Say what now?

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THIS. As far as I'm concerned, his interference in the Terri Schiavo case is pretty much an automatic disqualifier for any office.

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They all know better, the GOP politicians have to play to their base, who get all the science from Rush.

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They're no smarter.

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I have a PhD in rhetoric. I'd just prescribe a bunch of enthymemes.

Or Ponies.

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And one of the big petroleum companies doesn't believe the average temperature on Earth will rise 2ª C... Recent Shell Oil internal documents state that they believe that's too *LOW* an estimate, and that governments won't be able to change the human activities that drive the rise!! And so they are preparing their operations for a world where the temperature will rise 4ª C by the end of the century!


Who says conservatives don't believe in AGW, they just won't admit it in public...

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Simple thing, people who are against him or his policies and goes on public and make that clear... are still alive, still have a career and are not being 'followed' by the not-so-'secret police'.If at least ONE of this things was happening then maybe anyone calling Obama a dictator could be taken seriously.

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The ozone hole was 'discovered' almost accidentally. The data about it was there, for anyone to see, for years and years, but nobody took a close look at THAT data. And then some guy wrote a paper about it, NASA & co. said 'He can't be right! Let's check the data!' and... 'discovered' the ozone hole.

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Not in his eyes, obviously, or in the eyes of many 'pro-lifers' out there...

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Thank you.

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I don't think even think its arrogant. Humans in US America made the Dust Bowl Happen. Somehow they figured out that it wasn't Jebus' fault, even though it was the south. They let the Gummit Sciencers tell them how to fix it and they did.

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Can you imagine what the conversations were like around the dinner table when these guys were growing up?

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No. No, I cannot imagine.

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Based on his recent performances, I'm not ready to cede the More Stupid Brother to W just yet.

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