Holy shite that was brilliant thank you.

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The Terry Schiavo case is, all by itself, reason enough to vote against Heb Bush.

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Well there you have it, Texass leading the way with the Rethuglican health care plan. If the gravely ill patient doesn't die fast enough, let a hospital bean counter pull the plug when the family runs out of money.

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That's a good article but the worst part is that, in Florida thanks to Jeb Bush, a Living Will is still not enough. You ALSO have to have a Non-Resuscitation Form on file with any doctor that might conceivably be in a position to release you from your misery AND the lawyer who prepares your Living Will cannot, by law, prepare that form. Jeb has strewn a minefield of legal IEDs which will cost you nearly $1,000 a pop to avoid, assuming you have that kinda dough.

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I know that she had severe brain damage. I am saying that, with everything that went on in this case, it wasn't simply a matter of right to end life. There was so much more going on that was really ugly. I live in the town where this happened and I know some of her family members and friends. I am not a "wingnut."

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Uh, Jeb, didn't they tell you about the study that the evangelical right is on its last legs and will soon needs its own feeding tube to keep drawing breath? Everyone's talking about these Millennials, and they sure as shit aren't down with the Terri Schiavo bullshit.

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Nah. SE Asia is a lot cheaper and the food is 100 x better than Gallo Pinto .

Costa Rica is for Americans and Canadians too scared to visit a foreign country...

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I wonder how many destitute, homeless Floridians were dying on the streets, at about the same time Jeb joined forces with the Talibangelists and Conservatards in going apeshit over this one comatose woman. They're not pro-life -- they're "pro-some-lives-but-not-others." Which I'm sure is what Jesus had in mind.

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Reason #3,789 to never even think of living in Floriduh, where the government is so small it's like beach sand: it gets everywhere, fucks up everything, and you can never really be rid of it. These Christian Caliphate nutbags are a bigger threat to the nation than ISIS ever will be.

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Are you sure it doesn't require gravely ill patients who can't pay their bills to die? Because that would be entirely consistent with the pro-life hypocrisy of the right.

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Where is Moses when you need him???

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Nah ... just less stupid than what the other clowns in the car are spewing.

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just in case no one else has expressed this sentiment:

Hey, Jim Daly! Focus on your own effing Family, you putrid POS.

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Not even comatose; 'after two and a half months in a coma, her diagnosis was changed to vegetative state', meaning all that was left was her brain stem since 1990. No chance for a magical awakening. They are pro-minimum-definition of life over actually living a life.

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