that gif gave me motion sickness. I think you owe me a new keyboard, mine is now covered with puke.

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you forgot that dead brain surgeon. sorry, that was supposed to be brain dead surgeon.

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his destiny should be a three hour cruise on the s.s. minnow.

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I think they piss on them. maybe they tell them to piss off. sounds about right either way.

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Yeah, Babs has 'em all - in jars

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Well, that's depressing. Explained a couple of things, though.

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Actually, the media spending is a modest contribution to GDP.

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The campaign responding by asking if Black lives matter to the one guy with whom Bush met. When the answer was yes, the campaign stated that they rest their case.

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Instead, Bush met with a local elected official, a GOP lobbyist and a staffer from an anti-poverty organization.

Sadly, this is true for both sides for decades.

When it comes to discussing The Poors, there's never a poor person in the room.


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That's the Golden Calf of Mammon. They were worshipping butter?

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In tents!

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Well, you can't get faster food than that.

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I still think Neil is the smart one. He stayed out of politics and focused on white collar crime.

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As well as a swindle of the voters. We, the people, used to own the air waves. If the Networks were required to give free time to candidates over a limited time, there would be less need for $$$grubbing by candidates and a bit less money from the oligarchs.

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It's not new video, but it's terrific: http://valhallamovement.com...

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