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Texas or Florida

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I'm sure he'd wind up strangling himself anyway.

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The Trump University of Cardinals?

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All the talk about Jebby running out of money leaves me with a confuse. His personal fortune is enormous, far greater than Trump's. His family has even more dough.

OK, so his donors are losing faith but couldn't he just pay his own bills?

Oh right, he's both hapless and cheap.

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And I didn't convert to Slovenian like some pussy. Bush, he's so low-energy, some broad wiggles a little south of the border bootie at him and bingo, he's kissing the ring. I made Melania convert to whatever I am, I forget, it's not important.

If I wanted some Mexican pussy, I'd just go get some Mexican pussy and I'd make the Mexicans pay for it. That's leadership.

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“I thought it probably was inappropriate for the Pope to condemn kitty kicking."

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Nuance? What's wrong with the oldance I grew up with? I want my ance back!!!1!!!1!!1!!!!1!!,1!11!

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I thought it probably was inappropriate for the Pope to intervene at the — in the height of a contested primary in that way

I agree, that's Boehner's job. As he demonstrated by getting Bibi to address Congress during..oh wait that was not a primary, just the general elections in Israel.

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Has anyone here ever read the Dead Zone by Stephen King? Every time I see Ted Cruz something about him screams out "Greg Stillson" & that is scary!

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Who's this? Captain America after taking acid for the first time?

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Accounting software.

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Tor say, "Time for go to bed!"

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I thought that Rafalca had been sent to France and eaten.

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