did he meet Hemmingway, or at least the Mujer de Pablo?

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his head looks particularly penis-like in that picture

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you might need ear bleach for this: https://youtu.be/xebANGTeeMU

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Mondale cuz it was symbolic

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"but to be wholly taciturn in your reserveis not allowed."(sorry, it's just that I rarely hear that word except when we practiced a song based on Frost's poem....)

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A couple more months of Jeb, then dad comes riding into the convention on a white horse to save the GOP.

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Even fucking him over counts as a pity fuck.

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He is still the Great White Hope of the party apprat. Rubio was always meant for the Veep job soley to attract the Brown vote, then obscurity. If there is any way to drag Jeb's carcass into the convention and declare him their boy, it will be done. We jest about zombie Reagan, but we may yet see zombie Jeb on the campaign trail.

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It looks like brain bleach and mental floss are gonna be hard to find this year. Maybe a bout of panic buying is called for.

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why does this family have such an awful grasp of the English language? it’s not like they ever spoke anything else This.

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that voice. :P

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teh Donald. Americans won't elect a guy with bad hair. not.gonna.happen.

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Worst. Adult. Book. Ever.

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Even an older commie (who fought in Spain) said I should vote for Mondale. It seemed like fun. There wasn't a whole let else to do at the time.

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