I was a sonar tech, not a scientist. The guys at NOAA seem to be. Then again, maybe that was classified and I shouldn't have said anything...hold on, someone at the door. Brb....

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Clinton is saying: The Fucking Grift Has Finally Gone Home For Good. Not sure how to interpret that.

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To the GOP establishment Jeb is the only remotely viable candidate. With Cruz as his Veep to lure in the Hispanic vote. This is a sign of desperation, not amnesia. The success of the Three Amigos is their worst nightmare coming true. They hope they can manage to lure in any uncommitted voter who look on Ms. Clinton as too Establishment. A Bush-Cruz ticket is a Centerist as they can get. Of course the Wingnuts will fall out almost the second Jeb makes any appeal to the middle. The realistic hope is to hold their gains in the Senate and House and hope a real candidate emerges for 2020.

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Maybe if the pollsters were offered a bonus for an accurate call, instead of paid to hype the client's fair-haired boy.

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They are features, not bugs.

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He can't even be president of the dark side. That one goes to Darth Cheney.

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Cynthia Libelz!!11!

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I thought also too that Dick Cheney was the Sith Lord and the Bushes were merely his sock puppets?!?

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Tried that with the Palins. Nope, do not want.

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Yes. He was. That's why Emperor Palpatine was Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord. So we can let Darth Cheney be the Sith Lord. But then, who is his apprentice?? Now I'm scared!

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We may not find out until Dick Cheney's Frankenstein'd "heart" gives out.

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I'd like to hear that "zap" sound. Like sitting on the front porch in summer, listening to the mosquitoes get zapped by the bug light.

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Shock Therapy Libelz!!11!https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Did they come to take you away?

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I see a Bush/Rubio ticket as being more likely because Cruz is so fucking nuts I can't imagine he'll attract any Hispanics. He'll get the fundies, but they're going to vote GOP regardless of who is running on the ticket. They'd vote for an aborted baby part if it had an (R) behind its name.

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