Serial Rapist and Alleged President Donald Trump. FTFY.

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President Carter is too much of a gentleman to tell Jeff Flake to kindly fuck off, so I will.

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I see what you did there.

Especially when one is true and the other isn't?

Republicans: "Yes, but which one ...?"

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Anyone with any sense knows which is which.

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SDNY is a federal court.

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Well .... as this last batch of squealing never-Trumpers criticizing Dems for not holding a primary that catered to them (Brooks, Stephens, Cupp, et al) have proven once again --

"Common sense is not that common."

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This would be the same Jeff Flake that was stopped at a elevator by a group of women who begged him not to vote for Rapey McBeerboof and he just grinned and ran away.

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This is PULITZER material.

Goddamn paper fired the cartoonist. This should be running EVERYWHERE.

I'm ragey and stabby and sick, all over again.

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Rotten-toothed MAG(g)Ats say "Watt?"

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The Andrews (Jackson and Johnson) were pretty terrible.

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I've seen it on social media a lot, so it's getting around. The censors have failed.

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there is compelling evidence a lot more people than you realize think your bullshit, the shit hillary clinton's campaign built itself around, and the corruption at the dnc, don't like the bullshit you call politics. is it all about your politics, no. but they sure as shit don't like yours either, which is only funny because they are the ones who continued to donate while people you idolize claimed victory and shat all over them.

there is more compelling evidence blacks are inferior than there is that the russians changed anyone's mind outside of the media and it's fans, yourself included. all the russians did was grant permission. that's why what they did was effective.

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Those women were eloquent, describing their pain. flake sided with the sexual abuser and the rapist president. Do they think we will forget this abomination?

In what circle of hell should the fucking weasel, flake be expecting to live, for eternity?

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Jimmy Carter is correct. Read the Mueller Report! There is no other conclusion.

At what point did flake "not support president trump?" Seriously! flake whined constantly about President Individual #1, but always voted with him. How does he sleep at night? flake is a sniveling coward, the farthest thing on earth from a "Profile in Courage."

Good gawd! How I HATE HIM.

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What the fuck is wrong with flake?

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Thanks! There, that's two more. The Trump supporters are copying Trump as slavishly as always. When he says anything, anything at all, is "the most terrible" or "the worst in American history," he means it's the thing that has irritated him most in the last five minutes. Hoft is big on that characteristic too..

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