where is the wingnut outrage over these obvious thugs flashing gang signs? At the WH no less.

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If you are "persecuted", then any actions you take against your "persecutors" are justified. What's more, it makes you a hero for "fighting back", rather than just the garden variety asshole you really are.

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Exactly, you are on the side of angels and your foes are in league with Satan when you are persecuted. Its a powerful high and i can see why they are quick to cry it as much as they can.

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Conjoined at birth.

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I'm surprised the trolls haven't been harping on this, currently they're stuck on uranium, but if Ben Shapiro is writing about it I'm sure they will find a way to combine the 2 things. It seems most of the trumpers and trolls on FB have liked Shapiro's page, don't have a cover pic unless it's an eagle or American flag, they also all have that "I Stand" frame on their profile pic.

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Well, yeah, puppies and kittens together and all. Subversive.

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Attention IRS and Justice Department: If you do not exempt me from federal income taxes immediately, it will be proof that you are persecuting me because of my loathing of Donald Trump. Thank you.

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Burn the elf! Burn the elf!

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The poor things!

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Right and that's all cool and legal and you have no say over it.. but Dobbs forbid any bible-humpin' Jeebus believin' corporation anywhere should have to have one red cent of their tax dollars go to birth control!

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Rats. I got into that thread too late. Those comments have all been deleted and the poster's name dropped and changed to "guest." But, good job in getting him all riled up and deleted.

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HAHAHA!!! Awesome! No wonder he never replied to any of my posts cussin' him out.

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Chuck that racist gnome into the tumbrel with the rest of the crime syndicate.

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you don't even have to rail- all I did was fail to embrace the groupthink sufficiently and one of the Bro™ mods banned me- then they ignored several messages asking to explain why or to dispute it. I like rawstory and normally their mods are even handed and fair. But there are a few who are absolute WATBs

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MJ is real weird- you can say 'fuck' but you can't say 'moron'. Theirs is an automated list...

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