Some of them would also miss Homo on the Range and Rear Deliveries.

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Now that's obscene.

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I just called one of my senators, Jeff Flake, to express my thoughts about Jeff Sessions. I tried to remain calm and the aide listened very politely. McCain's office didn't answer. Maybe my phone number is on a list.

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Al Franken is asking Sessions if he believes Trump's claims about voter fraud.

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I love Al. I'm not even a constituent and he sent me some nice family recipes in his holiday message.

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This won't stand!

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Ed Meese, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Emeritus at The Heritage Foundation. If that doesn't creep you out, nothing ever will.

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How do you get on Al Franken's xmas card list, because that's awesome.

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Are we all going to get cool pilgrim uniforms because basically that's where it looks like we are headed.

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Gimme back my pull-its?

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Great joke from CK Lewis…

You know they got another name for motherfucker?


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Are they going to outlaw Yootoob? Everyone knows all the best stuff is on Yootoob.

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Bloom County was the shit. The sanity of the Reagan era.

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Try Yootoob.

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In Russia, porn masturbates to you!

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I just hope they come AFTER coming FOR it, and that they don't come ON it.

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