eyeballs on tubes filled with adverts!

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I keep the pic of him dressed as Kellyanne saved for... special occasions...

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What I find more frightening is the idea that he – like so many Americans with the same viewpoint – could actually see for himself what minorities and the poor deal with in certain areas of the nation and still not change his mind.

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Here in Las Vegas, we crowdsource that shit. A recent study shows that pedestrians of color are more likely to be struck by motorists.

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Also, what's the rest of the phrase "one bad apple" comes from? Isn't it that one bad apple spoils the bunch? It's a stupid metaphor for someone to use when they're trying to assert that it was just one lone bad actor.

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That's what we call "holding [poors] in contempt." The rich Repug fucks still hate the poor, they just use them to further the GOP's interest, which gives them a kick (which they then direct back at those poors).

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Ah okay.

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I hate everything right now.

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I must confess that I did not like rap at first, and much of that was my own racism. There was this dichotomy at the time, you either liked hip-hop, soul or rap, or you were a rocker, and there were wars among those factions. It took a nice guy at UPS to turn me on to what was happening in rap and see it as a true and vital art form. I recommend Ice Cube's The Predator, made when the Rodney King riots happened.

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nailed it!!!!!

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hooray! . . . lets criminalize our first amendment rights.

[ while sanctifying the second ]

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because poors and minorities are THEM! . . . and we are us NOT THEM!

[ if you're not us then you're an enemy! ]

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I do recommend Oulu airport. They've got rocking chairs, bean bags and free wi-fi, so I'm not complaining. It'll be night before I get home though.

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hah! . . . wait till you see the bill elevating whites to a protected class.

[ i kid . . . whites are the only protected class ]

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The classic example is Darryl Gates and the LAPD.

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The silly racist war between the rockers and the rap people, aka, black vs white. You still run into it, but more people are listening to different music, and digging it. Music was a big part of the 60's revolution, and maybe it will be a part of this one. Hell music and dance were banned in Ireland for a time because of the rebel songs.

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