Do you think she lives in one of those containers in the background?

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Which gets excreted through the kidney. So I've heard! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Well. FWIW, our Governor issued a fiery response and said that the elf is starting a war with us.. and he works for the king of a rabble of liars who’re gonna get locked up. No more even pretending we’re civil or even one country anymore. We’re mad. Maybe Orange will put tariffs on us. Or send troops to occupy Sac. Hah!

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it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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And what little money they have personally stolen by Vlad and his 100 best pals.

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California’s official response: hold my beer... and you’re starting a war.


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From now on, California appoints LA resident Stormy Daniels our Chief Barbarian Handler on immigration issues. She will be tasked with being the sole point of contact between California and the regime on immigration enforcement coordination. All requests for local assistance in apprehending dreamers and brown people should be made personally by POTUS to the Office of the Chief Barbarian Handler. They will be handled in a timely and respectful manner, i’m sure.

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Gee if keeping people from reporting crimes is hindering law enforcement officers from countering MS-13 effectively, then maybe eliminating MS-13 isn't really the goal. What could be the real goal, then? I don't know. It's a real puzzler.

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I fucked up my Oregon ballot by not signing it. I mailed it early enough they sent it back and I fixed it. I had a roommate who refuses to vote because she thinks the IRS would find her. I was so tempted to fill it out straight D and forge her signature. But I didn't. I just keep talking to her about it and offer to help fill it out. She 's young.

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Federal law is the supreme law of the land. Ok. Good. Could you remind all the red states that abortion is legal ?

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I think someone is feeling irregular. Eat some Activia.

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Can we sue him for his twice-told perjured testimony?

Oh yeah, wut bout statez raights? This federal tear-nie led by a deformed elf is most irritate-in!

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It will, eventually. I just hope it's in my lifetime.

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OK, let's say the Alabama Garden Gnome's plan actually works. Let's see what happens when there are no immigrants to do the work conservatives won't lower themselves to do.

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Bless your heart, asswipe.

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Jerry Brown was on fire! Go Jerry. All over the local t.v. news. The White House is a "cess pool" of un-christian liars. "Gestapo." Jeffy LIES. It was a thing of beauty. Soooooo proud of our gubernator and the AG Becerra.

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