We disagree.

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Bull regard.

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He was JOKING when he said he didn't like the KKK because they smoked weed. That was a JOKE son. I say, a JOKE.

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Why would he be against the Doobies? Most of their music was good.

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When I called my conservative senators about Sessions I emphasized voting rights to them because I figured they would be unmoved by complaints about his denying justice to women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community.

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He likely assumes sexual activity of any kind must always involve a penis (and only in the missionary position with the lights off).

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Can we save the Smithsonian museums?

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I can't help but wonder if the protesters who interrupted Sessions hearing today voted and if so, for whom.

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Foreplay? That's something to do with your golf game, right?

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D.C. Voted overwhelmingly >90%for Hillz so save your tsunamis for Trumpistan thank you. A giant wave straight up through that so called "heartland"

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Putin is the leader of the Russian mob.

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At this point, I don't care who people voted for or if they voted at all. We are all in this together. If you have been fighting the good fight for a long while (as I have) or if you are just now catching a clue, it makes no difference. I don't care if you are Blue State or Red State, Coastal or Fly-over, we are all Americans and are all equally affected.

Also too, purity tests and pledges are for Republicans, as we say in the Shire.

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I plan to call tomorrow and protest against the hearing before clearances.

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The voting cannot take place until after the Urination.They have also said that the votes won't be conducted until after the background checks are done. But what about questions about findings in the background checks?

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Except a lot of people who called themselves our allies sold us out. I need to know who we can trust.

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