Is there any better reason to act than a rich white woman drawing attention to the fact that she was treated like a black person?

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I know. And I'm seriously offended by her lead-in: They are using COVID to...." Lady, you've no concept of how crazily a virus like The 'Rona can roar thru a closed-in, captive (literally) population. Bet you think Mask protocols for school children & staff, and for airlines, are also "abuse". Because you're a wackjob, FULL STOP!!! Even a stopped clock is right twice a day? That must be the operative principle here, because there's no other redeeming quality Ms. Ryan posses, far as I can see.

Prison conditions are a shame,, a scandal, and a blood-boiling outrage, even (or perhaps especially?) down to the conditions and provisions of juvenile incarceration. A chunk of my life was spent in close personal interaction with both. And both are filled with Catch-22 gotcha bullshit bureaucratic nonsense that is in the best interests of exactly no one.

There is far too much of the Public-Puritanical-Punitive Principle crap so enthusiastically endorsed by our forefathers, and rejoicing in other peoples misfortunes, inherent in our country's legal penalties framework. The whole dysfunctional system as it stands takes great vengeful joy in providing little-to-no rehabilitative work, and far too much "NEENER NEENER!!", as someone said downthread.

It's fucking exhausting, and needs rebuilding from the ground up, imo. //Rant, sorry :{

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omfg YESSSS!!!!

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Our version of "Debtors Prison".

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OK, OK, they should have phones. Just...not better than my flip phone. I still maintain its all anyone needs.

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Agree with this. Also, I am quite sure that cellphones would be used among prisoners to target other prisoners. Maybe cellphones would be ok in minimum security settings, but absolutely not in maximum security settings. Stop the gouging of inmates for family and friend phone calls, of course.

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If you're looking for a charity to address prison reform, I recommend Just Detention.

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its nice to be popular?

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thank you. i was feeling bad that i didn't want them to have social media etc, just phones that only do calls and basic texts - being able to communicate is important, being on trollbook not so much

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then she may complain the rope chafed her neck and the bullets put holes and stains on her clothes...

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I’m sorry, but I have zero sympathy for someone like Ryan. Rightwingers have pushed one “tough on crime” initiative after another for decades and now rich white republicans are suddenly realizing that prison sucks? You were fine with these conditions when only poor and black people had to endure them.

We absolutely do need prison reform, but fuck Ryan and her fellow insurrectionists.

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Cell phones in jail is a stupid, dangerous idea.

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A reminder that this was always part of Hillary's platform, something she ran on in the primaries.

This is something that we could push back into the Dem Platform.

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Which rule prohibits calling someone a "fuckwit?"

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I thought this was the hairdresser.

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Not cell phones. Set up landlines with a schedule. It could become another privilege to use to encourage good behavior.

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