Say what you want, but Draco knew how to get things done.

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Looks like we've come full circle with neighbors showing off their new topsy turvey upside down tomato hanging monstrosity. Around here we take our backyard tomato growing competitions very seriously. Don't get me started on the hot pepper fiasco of last year!

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Us old-fart Wonketeers gotta stick together against all these fancy-shmancy young'uns with their Faceybooks and EyePhones and whatnot.

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Now all the cities need to stop watering the green grass all over the cities and college campus lawns. Tired of having brown grass around my house then walking around campus and see them watering the cement.

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I drive by the California Aquaduct every day commuting to/from work. It is always full to the brim no matter what water emergency the state is under.

It isn't the fish that are taking the water contrary to what the local Republican squawk is.

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Arizona's vast coastline will certainly help with that desalination thingy. I agree that CA needs to start doing more there though.

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The reason is almond farming makes lots of money. It's the most lucrative crop outside of Cannabis. Alfalfa makes almost nothing. Rice at least recharges the local aquifer some.

I say let them grow cannabis.

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All the really healthy people? I smell claims unsubstantiated by any evidence.

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The last time Jerry was governor we had a drought emergency. I think he drinks too much water.

If we just handed the climate over to the free market they would see it was in their best interest to give us more rain, unlike the socialists who just want to give away the rain we already have to people too lazy to make their own.

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Worse really. Local water districts are selling their river allotment to the south (OID anyone?) and allowing their farmers to pump the aquifers dry because there are no legal limits to pumping here in California. Yea, go figure. Texas is more highly regulated than California as far as pumping goes.

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Any person or entity in the southwest who has a lawn is an idiot. Period.

You see people in Las freaking VEGAS trying to have suburban lawns, for why? The desert landscape down there is so full of beautiful cacti and sagebrush.... I love the natural landscape of the southwestern U.S., why do they want it to look like Levittown?

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lots of that scammy stuff going on...

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You Owens Valley people are just a buncha whiners...

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As long as they travel in an easterly direction, I don't care where they go. Just stay out of CA. We got enough problems already.

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It's almost as though we're responsible human beings, eh?

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IKR? What were we thinking?

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