No Moo-slims. The executive order clearly banned skim milk, not Mohammedans.

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(I am so embarrassed.)

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It's OK with me if individual states vote to shoot themselves in the foot. I'm less OK with a minority doing it to the entire country.

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So this is basically the Dept of Education for the next 4 years. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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College is for fags and communists.

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Such stragety. Very education.

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Unless you can find an Igor.

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Even worse than the education deformers and deregulation zealots shilling for Big Business oligarchs and Wall Street money changers are the perpetually gullible American voters who believe safety and consumer protections are bad.

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I work in higher education. On days like today, when I just spent 12 solid hours interacting with students, it seems there's not much you can do to fuck with young people's basic reading, writing and thinking skills more than has already been done. I am unpleasantly surprised to see I may be wrong.

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Jerry Falwell, Jr.? According to Forbes 2016 rankings, Liberty University is at #651 out of 660.

I guess Quincy Adams Wagstaff was not available.

Wagstaff: Let us follow a corpuscle on its journey... Now then, baboons, what is a corpuscle?Baravelli: That's easy! First is a captain... then a lieutenant... then is a corpuscle!Wagstaff: That's fine. Why don't you bore a hole in yourself and let the sap run out?

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Right, THAT'S why I can never remember it.'Scuse me, gonna go hide under the bed again.

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"I LOVE the poorly educated!!"

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Yeah. Fix. As in "neuter."

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It makes perfect sense. The Republicans are transforming the United States into a colony--a gigantic, scarred, tax and regulation free zone for kazillionaires, plus a bottomless pit of natural resources now that they've opened up all those pussy-ass "national parks" so real, manly men in the fossil fuel and mining industries can have at them.

Anyone who is anyone isn't even going to live here any more (they're all scarpering off to massive estates in New Zealand, or wherever), because the whole country is basically about to become just a duty-free port with a lot of open-pit mining going on

That leaves the rest of the rest of us scrambling to survive in what will basically have become a gigantic, reeking, violent system of enclaves and favelas in which gunplay becomes both a form of entertainment and a herd-thinning device.

So with all that, who really needs higher education and some of the world's greatest public universities? Answer me that.

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It's cool if gray is your favorite color.

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