And Holder just ignored it and a lot of the subpoenas.

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If the report has grand jury transcripts in it then justice probably can't release to the little fat man.

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Doubt it. 300+ pages? Grand jury transcripts that are sealed? Pages of classified info the CIA/NSA/FBI don't want to be made public? FISA warrants the FBI does NOT want to be seen by anyone?

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I doubt the little fat man's stubby legs can lift that high.

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Maybe its because of DoJ policy about not releasing grand jury transcripts. It took 20+ years to release the Nixon ones. There is classified info that the CIA/NSA don't want the public to see. Also, they don't release things that can put someone who isn't indicted in a bad light. Remember Richard Jewell of the Olympic bombing int he 90's? He was tried and found guilty int he media and they had to backtracj.

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Barr has proven that the sequel is never as good as the original.

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I think that's the case, but they can ask a judge for permission to release grand jury transcripts. This has been done before with Watergate and other cases.

But the Justice Department (aka minion Barr) has to formally request this.

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That's his begging face. And his guilty face.

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I'm betting that Barr has a weakness of the jelly filled glazed donut variety and were it I, wait, was it me, no, were I the one, yeah-that's it, I'd dangle a whole damned box of them fresh warm sum bitchez right in front of his Auggie Doggie face until he caved and gave it up. Possibly maybe also some Skittles and Cherry Bubblicious.

There's more than one way to skin a platypus.

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I love subpoena-thirty. Almost as much as wine-thirty.

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I can't help but wonder about the underlings who work for Barr, probably career DOJ staffers. Is he having someone type up his redaction's and taken out on context phrases? You know Barr is pissing off people in the office. I might advise him to get his own coffee....

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Those aren't things in the actual report. Those are things that are in the evidence. This is not how the procedure works. The committee, in cooperation with the AG and the IC can decide to redact things before they are made public. But saying the Intel Cmte or the Judiciary Cmte can't see things that they know are sensitive is BS.Judge Sirica ruled that the GJ reports had to be turned over to Congress. That's a precedent that would be hard to reverse.

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Hey! Remember that time Obama told Congress not to do a thing because it would blow up in their faces, and they did that very thing just to show the Ni(clang) wasn't the boss of them, and it did blow up in their faces, and Congress bitched at Obama for not warning them that thing would blow up in their faces?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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AG Barrf doesn't have to show the Mueller report to the WH... not necessary; he's the Roy Cohn 2.0 Trumpf dreamed of having. He knows what unnecessary stuff to redact, and who to pardon. It was a Republican appointee of Trump who chose a Republican prosecutor to lead the investigation of a Republican administration... And a Republican AG said there was nothing to see here. What's the problem?? Show the 300 pages of your complete and total vindication, and the people will no doubt call off the 2020 election and let you just stay there, keeping brown people out, stripping health care and killing the planet. yay!

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I feel you. You should always remember that harangues for funds are directed at people who have the funds. I do this for a living, and it's hard (impossible) to write a message nuanced enough that people who love you but can't afford to support you don't feel either guilty or annoyed.

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Barr: "I can't HEAR YOU......"

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