AAA Marine Division

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It's all covered in their biannual harassment seminars

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Amidst the laughter, I heard someone say “Jesse Junior,” so there’s that, too…

She’d do well to keep in mind that someday, Jesse Senior is gonna tell that kid the charming, romantic story of how Daddy and Mommy started dating.

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Jesse confessed his consensual connection with Emma to Fox Story' human resource department before the news reached the media. After meeting with the parties involved, the Chief of Human Resources decided to move Emma to another program on the same network. Emma was moved from Watters' World to The Ingraham Angle for this reason.Even after informing the network about their relationship, Emma and Jesse continued to date, despite the fact that their relationship was contentious at the time.She seems nice.https://washingtonindepende...

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So, in a world where assholes in trucks chase Tesla's and behave like assholes, Foxes take is that it is actually climate activists who are attacking trucks. It's always PROJECTION with these people.

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Jesse admitted to a crime. Has the statute of limitations run out on this crime or does the victim need to press charges? Fox news viewers think it's hilarious and are probably plotting to do the same thing to some poor woman who can't stand them. Just like TFG. Admit to assault, laugh it off. Police don't give a shit because they're the baddies.

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So she was...15? WTAF?!

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39 - 14 = 25

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Thank you. I can't explain how I got 15.

Still, WTAF?!

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I would feel humiliated right now if I were his wife.

Or, I would've felt humiliated a week and a half ago when it aired then I would feel humiliated and furious, and probably sorta queasy, at this point if I were his wife. I'm sure she hoped this would not go viral.

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Did Watters then go on to say how the first time they had sex, he wore a Darth Vader mask so she thought it was her actual boyfriend and not him raping her?

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This is why Watters will never rise to the heights of a propagandist called Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity. If he had been smart, he would have notice everyone was shocked at his story and then said "And the only reason I did this is because my kindergarten teacher once acknowledged that homosexuals exist!"

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Hell, Trump has been admitting to crimes on national tv for years now and not a damn thing has happened to hold him accountable yet.

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it's okay, i'm the same way with math

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But if a woman did this they'd lose. their. minds. about how she must be desperate

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Misogyny is such a core tenet of conservatism and boy oh boy do these men really get a kick out of pulling one over a woman when they're trying to get something or someone they want.

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