I drew a picture of Dubya fucking Jesus in the ass while blowing bin Laden. Case closed.

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How do you flatten the gd replies? I love you guys, but I'm not wasting my time checking all the replies (is this a Gawker thing? I mean they have an option to "show all replies") and the "pages"....

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"We don’t even know if we can blog about this painting."

Is that like dancing about architecture?

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Yeah, gotta be a system to this.

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Words fail. Teddy Roosevelt is a "bad guy"...Teddy fucking Roosevelt?!

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Why does Barack Obama have his arms crossed in that "You're not the boss of me!" stance? And notice that it's his RIGHT foot on the Constitution! The right wing (tip) stamps on the Constitution and everyone blames Obama.

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Needz moar black velvet.

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When did that bastard see me on the park bench? I demand compensation!

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