That's a good one. With all due respect (i.e., very little) to Whitman, she didn't become a billionaire on her looks.

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Apparently, her mother wears Chucks. (Oddly enough, so do OWGs, sometimes).

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i am an angry educated feminist but i am angry b/c i cannot seem to get a job.

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I'm a feminist (well, as much as a dude can be), and I'm t-total fucking ugly. But my love says I'm not conventionally handsome. So, fuck you christian fucktard dudes.

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<i>"There’s the Sarah Palin kind of feminism that wants to have a husband, just not one to submit to."</i>

A little like giving credit to Tim Tebow for winning World War II.

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Because FreeDum!!! and Jeebus!!!

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I'd call them fucking assholes, but I doubt they're doing much fucking.

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<i>believe history will go back to this period of time and will look at feminism and say there was a time in which women lost the love of their children.</i> Or possibly history will regard this period as a time of raving, hysterical, clueless, unattractive radio hosts.

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You should have read what they said next! "The goal is lots and lots and lots of fornication." Well, thank God for that!

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THESE guys are talking about 'attractively challenged' people? THAT'S rich.

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It's like those who say global warming is a hoax yet can't solve a first year statistics or calculus problem.

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<i>"...she will just go to the slave market and sell herself, at least sell her body,</i>

Bed, Body and Beyond! And I have a 20% off coupon.

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No, see-- this is WIMMIN'S fornication. Proper, Gawd-fearing fornication only involves MEN.

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Hearing people who have no idea of higher education talk about it is a lot like hearing people discuss how to tie a shoe when they have only heard about it.

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Such an easy goal it is, too.

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<i>Because her feminist professors have told her her husband will abuse her, she will be like a slave to him. Instead she will just go to the slave market and sell herself, at least sell her body, to the highest bidder. </i> I see someone failed Logic 101.

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