Better move fast - Miche1e (and her not-at-all gay hubbie) is looking for a new grift, and this one sounds like it would be right up their alley.

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So will the Church of Satan be able to mentor some of these at-risk youths? How about the blah muslins?

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And by 'mentoring' I assume he means 'indoctrinating'.

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“We do not forsee any proseletyzing"

He's a non-prophet.

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Gah! That photo! Have we hit peak derpface? This guy makes a Duggar look dapper.

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That, my friend, is worth at least 2 upfists.

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This whole post is just proof of the war on Christianity! They're in such trouble they're recruiting the kids, just like the losing side in all wars does!

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Look, I don't know about you, but Mr Justice Alito reads the opinion he wrote in Hobby Lobby v Sebelius to mean whatever a good Christian believes is true in the eyes of the law, and that's all there is to it.

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Aryan Jesus is a putz.

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Scientology? They could mentor by hosting viewings of Battlefield Earth.

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